The Power of Collective Voices

I’m not the same person who stepped into these blogging waters on Monday June 3, 2024. 11 blogging days later, and I have evolved. Each day has presented a major discourse. You cannot read over ten different approaches on the same topic and remain the same man. These creatives have left my mind reeling with what ifs.

What if it’s still possible for all of us to parent our children communally.

What if the friends we cherish, including the ones we met on these blogging streets, grow old with us.

What if we fully embrace AI and still retain our unique voices, infusing bits and pieces of ourselves in the content we creat.

What if all our passion blogs and podcast projects automatically became monetized as a thank you from all site owners for the traffic we drive to their sites. We bloggers and podcasters would automatically become billionaires in US Dollars. Man have we invested too much of ourselves in the content we creat.

What if, just dream away with me, what if we, as storytellers, were able to preserve all the folklores from our motherlands for the generations to come.

For a long time, I’m going to remember quotes from a number of bloggers, and aren’t quotes one of life’s greatest change agents? They are tidbits that remind us of our favorite stories and favorite authors. Quotes initiate discourses and resultantly change our lives.

You and I, dearest blogger, are not the same people who stepped into these blogging waters at the beginning of this Storytelling Festival. We’ve been reminded of our roots. We’ve been stirred up to think differently. Consequently, we’ve evolved. Isn’t it amazing that this change is continental setting our Africa ablaze with new narratives with the weapon of collective voices?

Because the spirit of passive resistance has always been among Africans, music has also been used to cause, as the late US Congressman John Lewis put it, “good trouble”. This “necessary trouble” has been to challenge and protest injustice and anything that does not align with the African belief of being good, respectful and fair to others, regardless of their status.


I think content creation can be likened to war, as with many things in life. Battle-hardened soldiers say plans always change and it’s easier to adjust them in the battlefield if they were in place for starters. I want my blog to outlive me but remain modest.

Musanjufu Benjamin Kavubu, BENJAMIN WATCH

My blog reflects not just my face, but my journey. Ten years of resilience, passion, and growth. May these extrapolate into the next ten years too. And as I continue on, I’ll remember that the mirror doesn’t judge—it reflects. And in its silvered surface, I find courage.

Omeno Michelle, LOVE IS A MAGIC WAND

7 responses to “The Power of Collective Voices”

  1. Wow,… this is so beautiful.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. […] The Power of Collective Voices […]

    Liked by 1 person

  3. showcasing the community 🔥

    Each iteration of WinterABC definitely changes us, how you are when you start versus who you when you come through the other side…. transformation.


    Liked by 2 people

  4. The WinterABC will surely bring tonnes of positives to your creative space❤️

    Liked by 1 person

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