The books that have and still are transforming my life

Reading is one of the things that I enjoy doing. In my pursuit of reading, I have flipped through numerous pages of books by quite a number of authors but there’s a collection of books that has done and still is doing amazing wonders in my life. They are the 66 books of the bible! In these books is life, joy, hope, love, light, courage, salvation, wisdom and so much more. God has given us the gift of wisdom embedded in those books.

Reading these books has got my focus off my abilities to God’s who is able to do all things. I know that it is God Who works in us both to will and do His good pleasure.

By studying and meditating on the words in these books I am peaceful, I have a bigger vision for life and the quality of life that I live is better. I am expectant and eager to witness the goodness of the Lord in this life.

Where would we be without the wisdom in these Books! Where would we be without the word of God! It comforts us, it gives us wisdom. Through it peace, joy, life and all life’s treasures are poured into us.

In the book of Genesis 15:1, God tells Abram to fear not because he is his shield and exceeding great reward. Yes, the books of the bible go ahead to elaborate how God exceeds any great reward we could ever get. Our portion in God as our inheritance is too good and too transforming.

As I give myself to the truths in the bible, the collection of 66 books – God’s word; I am becoming all that God created me to be through the renewing of my mind.

Have I read all there’s in these books? No. But I am excited about all there’s for me to learn from them. I am expectant.

There are times we find ourselves reading a certain portion of the bible for almost a month. Many times we find our schedules of reading the bible distorted as we cling to a certain truth for a long time until it sinks in our minds. The beauty about reading and being transformed by the word of God is that it is going to take the rest of our lives. Just like eating food is a daily activity; so is reading from these transforming books. I remember a time at school where each morning was a new opportunity to enjoy a Rolex, a Ugandan delicacy made by rolling a chapati with an omlete made to the devourer’s taste. Likewise everyday is a new day to be renewed and transformed by the word of God.

May we daily be transformed into the people God created us to be as we give ourselves to reading his word. The 66 books in both the old and new testaments have and still are transforming me.

2 responses to “The books that have and still are transforming my life”

  1. I keep re reading this 💕💖 its beautiful and thoughtful

    Liked by 1 person

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