The place I call home

Home Sweet Home☺

I cannot tell you how many times I have felt like packing my bags and leaving home every time things go wrong; plenty, even I don’t know them.

Despite all the awkward painful moments I have experienced at home, the happy ones far out weigh them. In the heat of drama and conflict, my mind forgets the smiles and laughter and love that I have shared with every family member of mine.

At the place I call home; I am loved, I am accepted, affirmed and given the freedom to be me. At the place I call home, I am daily complimented by each wonderful family member God has placed in my life. Home is a place of love. Home is home.

1 Peter 4:8, “Above all love each other deeply, because love covers a multitude of sins.” Furthermore, Colossians 3:14 says, “And above all these things put on love which is the bond of perfection.” Through the lens of love, God’s perfect love, we are able to love one another with the multitude of sins covered. We relate with each other at home gracefully. Through the lens of love, there’s perfection.

We are also blessed to belong to the family of believers with each one of us nurtured in a given local (home) church. We are shepherded, loved, held accountable, propelled forward and share in the sweet bond of fellowship.

I wish I could tell you that I have not felt like picking up my bags and running away from church on the several occasions I have felt overwhelmed but I would be lying. I have had the urge of leaving. Guess what though, home is home. Regardless of the many times we are compelled to run, the father’s love keeps drawing us in. Love always wins. Love never fails. It never. God has poured out love for us to experience in both our physical and spiritual families.

The places we call home are places of love, laughter and exceedingly unexpected wonderful memories. On the bad days, may we be reminded that the good out weighs the bad. Home will always be home. East or West home is the best, so goes the saying that almost every mature person knows.

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