More than a Hireling

When we decided to get a house cat, we did so to get rid of a kingdom of rats! We had done all that we could to eradicate them but in vain. Our last resort was to hire the trusted services of a cat. The deal was simple, we were to provide her with food as an extravagant pay for her skills.

Never in our wildest imaginations had we comprehended what her presence in our lives would mean! Instead of a cat, we are now proud owners of a beautiful playful kitten, whose presence intimidates rats. Till now we wonder how a tinny kitten had the power to overthrow that ‘rat kingdom’ that had been established at home.

Isn’t she adorablešŸ˜Š

God truly is amazing!When all we thought about was getting a permanent solution to rats, we got ourselves so much more (or should I say, I got myself so much more)

The presence of this beautiful kitten has got me laughing out loud, playing alot and above all I keep on thanking God for how creative He is. How wonderful His creatures are! Slowly by slowly, she has won herself a sweet spot in my heart because she is so easy to love.

I am amazed by her vast wonderful qualities. From being The Queen of Rats to having impeccable toilet manners. The first time I witnessed her digging a hole in our backyard garden, excreting and covering her waste products with soil, I lifted up my voice and sang praises to the God of wonders beyond the galaxies.

My Beloved

In her I have found myself a friend and playmate. Infact, I am her number one fun! I got so much more than I imaged. I got so much more than I bargained for. Most of the times when I am in her company, my heart is full.

Our God is a God who does much more. Our God is a God that blows our imaginations.

"Now unto him that is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen." Ephesians 3:20-21

Kittens are amazing, but Jesus Christ is the most amazing person. If you accept Him as your Lord and Saviour you will be amazed for eternity. I would like to invite you to accept Him as Your Lord and Saviour today. Kindly inbox me if you make that decision. Shallom

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