My Bubble was Burst – Part 2

Worship Harvest Kisoga at One

Like I said previously, My “Idea of Church” was to become part of a certain church and remain there for the rest of my life with a cozy church family that knew and loved each other until death did us apart. That was my mindset. I loved comfort. I looked forward to seeing my friends each Sunday and serving with the team that I was part of.

When I woke up one day and found myself in a WhatsApp group of church planters for Worship Harvest Kisoga, this was the beginning of a very very long debate that I was to have with God. For starters, I had been Studying the Book of Numbers prior to all this. What I found out is that the children of Israel had to move everytime God told them to. Whether it was after a period of one day, one week or a year, they had to follow His guidance while in the wilderness. So it was a time for me and the team led by our Pastors to move to Kisoga. Was it easy for me? No it wasn’t. I believe that I wasn’t the only one who struggled with the move.

I had to ask myself honest questions like “Winnie, is it bad to plant a church?” My answer was a big No. “Winnie, is it not you who has always been excited about how Worship Harvest Ministries has various church locations in different places?” I had been a beneficiary of the many men and women who had gone before us in planting churches. When I lived in Jinja, there was a Worship Harvest Church I went to. In Entebbe and Mukono where I currently stay, the story was still the same. Quickly, I came to a realisation that it was now time for us to go and be part of the Worship Harvest Kisoga church planters.

During that season, I was going through alot, I had had a mental breakdown and was still healing. With all the conversations that were happening on the Church Planters WhatsApp group, I was silent never contributing nor responding to anything but I showed up on the 17th of October 2021 the day Worship Harvest Kisoga was launched.

That was to be an entirely new season of my service in the House of God. I showed up broken, I showed up timid, I showed up incompetent but I showed up. Nolonger was I to rely on my abilities but God. It was a season of learning afresh.Where I once had the confidence, it was gone. I was numb on the inside, whatever I did, I did as a robot – emotionless. I remember being encouraged in that season by the ministry of a young man called Harron. Harron served the Lord with all that He was. He was generous with his time, finances and gifts in the House of God. He was too passionate! Everytime I saw him, I was blessed.

My prayers at that time were one sentence prayers. God help me. God guide me. There was no joy of salvation within me. In hindsight, I thank God for His grace that kept me in fellowship with brethren. His grace that kept me going to church. Iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens the countenance of another. God used His word and people around me to heal me. The bible says in Hebrews 10:25

Not giving up meeting together,  as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another - and all the more as you see the day approaching

True to the word of God, In March this year, I woke up one day with a Spring in my Feet. After showing up over and over cold on the inside, the Joy of my Salvation was restored. By the grace of God I started to serve with all that I had within me once again. God caused me to embrace being part of a new church plant. Now look we have celebrated one year of Worship Harvest Kisoga. One Year of growing personally and as a church. One Year of preaching and celebrating Jesus. One year of people being transformed and saved. We look forward to where God is leading us. We look forward to the great things He will do. God be Praised for His Faithfulness. My Bubble was Burst and now my heart is open.

Churches are Planted to bring the good news closer to everyone. God so Loved the world that He gave His only begotten son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have everlasting life. Recieve Jesus Today as your Lord and Saviour. Believe in you Heart that He saves and Confess with your mouth that Jesus is LORD.Inbox me if you do so. Lastly, become a part of a local church. SHALLOM

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