Worship Harvest Kisoga at One

The Story of Worship Harvest Kisoga is part of a bigger Story but I will narrow it down. It’s a story of a young gentleman and a young lady who went to Kisoga, a trading center in Mukono – Uganda, to start a Pharmacy during Lockdown in 2020. This couple was part of Worship Harvest Mukono and was instructed to start a Missional Community, a group of about 30 people on mission who are small enough to care but big enough to dare. The Missional Community was to be an engine of discipleship and going out on mission

So this beautiful couple, who were still dating each other by then, embarked on a mission of discipling people within Kisoga as they were being discipled by our Pastors of the then Worship Harvest Mukono, which has since become Worship Harvest Mukono Central. The things that this faithful couple were learning, they entrusted to the people they were discipling in Kisoga until the numbers grew to the point of planting a church.

What fascinates me though is how a couple that went to start a Pharmacy ended up being church planters! Indeed eye has not seen, ear has not heard and mind has not conceived the things that God has in store for those that love him. September 11th 2021, Our Beloved Pastors were wedded. October 17th 2021, Worship Harvest Kisoga was launched.

It’s been a beautiful bumpy supernatural one year of serving at Worship Harvest Kisoga under our Pastors, Pr. Silas and Pr. Liz Kalule, who are still running their Pharmacy. Ebenezer thus far the Lord has brought us. Thank you Lord for the story of Worship Harvest Kisoga so far. Thank you for what you have done in and through us. In the words of Isaiah 60:22,”A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time.” That’s our Prayer for you Worship Harvest Kisoga.

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