A Good Thing

It is a good thing to give thanks unto the LORD, and to sing praises unto thy name, O most High

PSALM 92:1

The Psalmist wrote and said that it is a good thing to give thanks to the LORD. Giving thanks to the Lord is a good thing! A good thing that yields great fruit. Great fruit of a contented joyful life. Great fruit of an abundant life that easily sees the goodness of God and how He answers prayer.

There’s a time when I used to be so grateful. There’s a time when I used to give thanks for every little thing. For instance, while sitting down at the table having family meals, I would always be the first person to finish my food. On and on I would then start with my gratitude list of the thousands of people behind that single meal experience. I would thank God for providing food through our parents. Thank the chef of the day. The various persons that sold us each ingredient we used. The farmers that planted the food. Each manufacturer of every processed item used. The makers of our crockery and cutlery. The carpenters of our dining set. The builders of the house in which we enjoyed many meals. Wow! I would have a long gratitude list for God and every person behind our meal. Think about it, for every meal you have there are thousands of people behind it!

I remember my siblings and those I would be dining with would get irritated though deepdown I was a contented joyful person. Giving thanks made me realise how abundantly blessed I was. I realised that for every moment I had, there were thousands of people behind the scenes that had put it all together just for me. For that, I was grateful.

Along the way, life happened and I stopped giving thanks. Before I knew it, I was magnifying everything that was wrong in my life. I saw the few things I didn’t have instead of the many that I had. Without knowing it, I became miserable. I was tooo sad!

I remember watching Joyce Meyer talking about the Power of Thanksgiving. A desire to be the grateful person that I once was was reignited within me. I was then led on a journey of memorising Psalms on Thanksgiving. Intentionally I started giving thanks to God. Thank God, we started having sermons on Thanksgiving once every month at church. By putting one foot in front of another on my journey of intentional thanksgiving, I woke up one day a joyful grateful contented person living in the abundance of God’s goodness.

We are always going to have trials. Our approach to life should be a lifestyle of giving thanks to Him because He is good and that will never change. Count your blessings, name them one by one and you will be surprised, overwhelmed at what the Lord has done. I thank God for the gift of salvation. I am grateful for family and friends, the cleanable beautiful house in which we live. How everyday life has been made easy, I mean there’s water flowing in our homes, instant communication on social media platforms; the world is a global village. Am grateful for the gifts and abilities I have, dark lit nights, laughter, Little Lizy our Kitten, health, provision, His word. Thank God for divine enablement. I am grateful that I am a more grateful person and sooo much more. What are you thankful to God for? Don’t stop there, go ahead and thank Him for it’s a good thing with a great reward of a contented joyful life.

Giving thanks to God is a good thing, but receiving Jesus as our Lord and Saviour is the greatest thing. We are all born sinners and worthy of death but God made us a way out through receiving Jesus as our Lord and Saviour. Confess your sins and recieve the gift of salvation through Jesus today. Become part of a local church and you will be amazed by what God has in store for you. Until next time, Shallom!

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