Love Lessons from Little Lizzie

Little Lizzie

Though she talks not, yet has she taught me how to love her well

Gracefully she walks onto my laps and coils into a comfortable sleep if luck is on her side and am seated near a sleepy Little Lizzie

Playfully she seeks me out when she desires a playmate. Am never surprised when I feel a tiny fore limp tapping on me continously or see her fall down dramatically expecting me to play her games! Most times I oblige her though sometimes she’s too playful for me to stand!

She’s a people lover who seeks out the company of people just to hung out with them. Silently quietly she lies by sometimes

She’s not afraid to communicate her needs, her gestures show what she desires to be done for her

She knows the door to my bedroom. Even when it’s locked, she stands by it and cries for attention. How her cries pierce straight through my heart! Whether access into my presence is granted her or not, surely enough she has already communicated her mind

Excitedly, she runs along when it’s time to feed her. She makes me want to give her the whole world

At night she enjoys the outdoors, Occasionally I spot her chasing flies, tossing around a toad [as though it is a ball] with her tiny playful fore limb, climbing trees among others. And O, how she knows how to enjoy her own company! Long naps scattered throughout the day, hunting within the bushes of our backyard garden, running speedily around the whole place, quietly sitting on the verandah in the cool of the day. Marion, my sister, often says that no one enjoys our home more than Little Lizzie. That she forgot the main reason she was brought home, hired labour to eradicate rats! Literally speaking, she’s all over the place with many favourite hungout places.

Without speaking, her actions have directed me on how to love her well and boy is she thriving and flourishing! Her love languages are quality play, quality sleep, physical touch and quality food. Yes, that’s how she’s loved best!

One response to “Love Lessons from Little Lizzie”

  1. Thank you for reading @itusebastian2

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