My Oikos

The house above is my Grand Parents’ home in the village.

And this is our home.

While this is one of my uncles’ home.

All those three houses are built overlooking the road and are within walkable distance.

This house belongs to another uncle of mine, the only one across the road!

Don’t wonder why am suddenly showcasing one house after another! We are going somewhere!

Well, that’s part of my Oikos. Oikos is an ancient Greek word and according to Wikipedia, one of it’s definitions is;

The family, the family’s property and the house

I was privileged to visit my paternal village this week and suddenly memories of December flooded my mind. Of uncles and cousins and my grandma as well as friends. Each house was filled with people on a certain December weekend and almost all of us were related by blood.

Just Imagine me moving from home to home seeing vast lands and all of them are ours! It amazed me. It made me glad! For someone like me who has spent most of my life in the city, hardly visiting the village, that was a lovely sight for me to behold. Infact I overheard my brother sharing that if he is hungry and breakfast is not yet ready at grandma’s, he moves on to another of our uncle’s home until he is finds what to eat. Infact during lunch time, he knows which of the households in our Oikos has prepared just what he desires to have! Isn’t that facinating? To be surrounded by a huge number of one’s family? Pardon my excitement! That’s not something I experience back where I stay. Not everyone around me is related to me. Not all doors around me are open for me to enter and exit as I Please. I just can’t talk to anyone anytime I please!

Like I said, this week I was back in the village and experienced the same thing. Moving from one house to another to chat with my uncles and aunties. Lunch at grandma’s, dinner at uncle Sunday’s, breakfast at uncle sam’s and each and everyone of them is my family! I bless God for my Oikos. You too, find sometime to go visit your village. You will be amazed at how exciting it is to be surrounded by family.

Every person that accepts Jesus as his/her personal Lord and Savior becomes part of the family of God. The family of God is big. That family of God is amazing. The family of God is glorious. For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. Receive Jesus today and you will be part of God’s Oikos. Join a local church where you will be discipled. Until then. Shallom my dearest reader. Shallom!

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