The Rear-view Mirror of Life

Source: Pinterest

Sometime at the start of this year, we witnessed a major shift in Watoto Church Leadership. I and a majority of people witnessed the founding pastors of Watoto Church, Ps. Gary and Maryln Skinner hand over to Ps. Julius and Vernita Rwotlonyo. They handed over to another generation. Stories were shared of the early days of Watoto Church. The new leaders were commissioned. Our hearts were moved. Tears were shed. God was praised.

Watoto Church has discipled many of us over the years. On a scale of 1 to 10, I would say 3 of my christian peers have been through the hands of Watoto Church. Watoto Church is a big blessing. Orphans and widows have been rescued and given hope. Transformational leaders are being raised. Above all, Jesus is celebrated and communities are cared for. Disciples are being made and my favorite radio station, 104.1 Power FM, keeps us smiling.

What was before our eyes was Ps. Gary and Maryln Skinner looking back through the Rear-view Mirror of their Lives. How they had served the Lord over the years. Accepting to leave their country dehind and coming to the then war-torn Uganda to plant an English speaking church in the heart of Kampala. The beginnings and the faithfulness of God over the years.

They had stayed faithful to the call of God on their lives. Behind them were years that had been worth every sacrifice. Years that had cost them establishing one of the most dynamic pentacostal churches of our time. They have served. They have pastored, they have raised leaders whom they have handed over the mantle to. And Watoto Church will keep going on through it’s present leadership and our Lord Jesus who is building His church.

When you are old and grey, what would you like the rear-view mirror of your life to reflect back to you?

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