A day with senior twos

Guys I cannot stop smiling and laughing. Currently I am seated in a senior two class meeting and these teenagers have vibe. It’s rubbing off on us the parents and guardians. Their youthfulness and untainted life experiences are a breath of fresh air.

The moderator is one of a kind, so vibrate a student with a great sense of humor. If her parents are seated with us in this meeting, they must be proud of her. Slowly they are indoctrinating us into their school chants making a show of what their school stands for;

  • Plan plan, plan your Day
  • Our School is our pride
  • Total obedience is important for our success
  • Our security is our responsibility
  • We should strive to take a good report back home

Our Family Our Strength. Education for a Bright Future

Together the students chant for us their school mantras. It’s so nostalgic and I am transported back to my days as a teenager. Enjoying life, worrying only about the morning Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday mid-morning tests. Trusay, we are the new adults on the block yet it feels like just yesterday we were the teenagers with vibe.

A Previous Visitation Photograph

2 responses to “A day with senior twos”

  1. Kinda ended prematurely…. was enjoying the reminiscing 👌🏿

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I was in a meeting remember. Had to bid my bitter sweet feelings farewell and enjoy the day


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