Winnie 101

I take my time to think. To think deeply about 15 facts. Only 15 interesting facts about me. Shaped by my personality type, shaped by my life experiences, shaped by those I have met and the places I have been to. Shaped by those I have loved, those I love, what I love and those that love me. Shaped by my education and faith, woven within me by my maker. With careful curating, I present you only 15 facts about me.

  • God loves me. I am loved. I love my family and friends. My old friends are golden and the new ones silver.
LHS, Mary my old friend. RHS, Linda; a friend I made from our adventurous camp around Uganda in 7 days
  • My eyes are the first to taste any meal. I am impressed by an artistic display of colors and shapes on a plate, yellows, greens, whites, browns. If you can transform a plate into a rainbow, I’m game. All white chinaware have a sweet spot in my heart and I am allergic to chipped crockery.
White crockery, not chipped
  • I am great with dates. I never forget those dates that are significant in the lives of my dear ones. I always remember them and randomly share messages with my people to show them that they are thought of. Just this week, everyone at home had forgotten that today is our first niece’s birthday but this talking calendar couldn’t stop sending notifications to the people concerned. Life has a way of getting busy, we forget some dates but 70% of the time, I never do.
  • I love celebrating people. I love encouraging people. To place a smile on someone’s face, to brighten one’s countenance, even if it’s with a simple text message, even if it’s a word of affirmation, I will freely give it. I once read a quote that said, “Your thoughts bless no one but you, so speak them out.” People cannot read our minds, it’s upon us to express every affirmative thought we have towards them. Even the good book says that death and life are in the power of the tongue. So let’s spread some life with our words.
When your friends choose to back bite you☹️
  • I am excited to both come and go. What I mean is when I am going to travel somewhere, my oh my do I get hyped up. I will prepare myself a week in advance and talk about where am to go continuously. My dad sarcastically tells me to begin traveling a week before the D-Day, the rest will find me there. It’s like he senses my anticipation for the adventures that await me. When I have travelled wherever I was set to go, I always gladly return home. Grateful for the adventures taken but happy to be back to the comfort I associate with home.
  • I know what it means to be the best student but I also know what it means to be among the last. To be chopped from a school for poor performance. To be seated at the last general school assembly where they are reading names of the worst 10 students in my class with zero points. To have a thunderous heartbeat and fingures crossed with my two points to account for a whole term’s performance. I know what it means to remind yourself how you aren’t stupid with marks that speak otherwise. Most of all, I know how easy it is to excel with minimal effort.
  • I have been to mixed schools. I have been to a single-sexed school. I have been to day schools. I have been to boarding schools. I have been to a university. I have been to a tertiary institution. Wow, my educational background is quite a blend of all worlds. Oh and I have been to international schools as a marketeer for a travel company during my S.6 vacation🙈. An awesome experience it was addressing students in class and at assemblies, even at the gate while issuing flyers.
  • The languages of love my heart speaks in order of importance; quality time, words of affirmation, physical touch, I don’t know whether acts of service come next or gifts. Time and sweet words, then the rest follow🤍
  • I am an organised disorganised person. Do I make sense? Well, I have seasons when I can’t stand clutter, when my spaces have to be spick and span. I have seasons when every i has to be dotted and every t crossed. Then there are seasons when my books are all over the table, everything else in a mess and I am comfortable. I pretend not to see the disorganisation and I am ok. Out of the blue, I wake up and put my house in order and the cycle continues.
  • My middle unofficial name is Esther. It has never seen the face of my examination papers. It never interfaced with any of my formal documents. Yet it’s been scribbled a million times in my notebooks. Funny how my two sisters also have unofficial middle names.
  • God has endowed me with communication gifts. I can teach with ease. I can host comfortably. Is it reading out loud, reading silently, writing? I am good to go. I am not afraid to address crowds. Communicators are akin to writers. They are readers, they are listeners, they are writers, they are speakers. I happen to have tiny facets of each.
  • Meow has a special place in my heart. I don’t want to hear her crying. I don’t want her hungry. She’s my first pet among the many yet to come.
  • This week on Wednesday, I played my first Monopoly game. Mary was my teacher and I won. She declared bankruptcy after about three hours of playing. I used to think Scrabble was my favorite board game but since Wednesday, Monopoly is my new found love.
My First Green Hotel at The Angel Islington. I own Euston Road and that beautiful tiny red house on Pentonville
  • There’s a way I love writting in pretty notebooks with pretty pencils. I think it’s because pencils give us second chances, new beginnings. We can erase and start again unlike pens
It’s the pencils for me👌
Finally, this viral meme/quote is a true depiction of who I am. I work best from a point of relaxation. I love to chill with nothing. I love me time. Withdrawing from people replenishes me to love and serve them better. Visiting myself is my Happy place. When I visit Winnie, I am a more resourceful person. I visit me with sleep, with devotion time, with books, with me. Oh and with great food🤗
A bonus fact: I am an open book

Finally, for real this time, tonight I have stayed up reading and writing. It’s 4:12AM, my phone battery is at 2% and am updating this blog I published about 2 hours ago. It simply means one thing, I am sleeping in🤗. There you go, 15 interesting facts about me plus 2 bonuses.

7 responses to “Winnie 101”

  1. Particularly there’s a picture I like on here, let me find a way of stealing it. Thanks for your insight into your life

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are always welcome. About the picture, stealing it would be like stealing a few crystals of sugar from an entire sack. I will not notice 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ouch, which would mean you’re sugary and sweet…😉

        Liked by 1 person

  2. You are such a dear, Winnie. Can see you wear your heart on your sleeve 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Proud of how intentional and purposeful you are. Continue to shine your light oh so strongly for all to see.
    We share so much in common. Your 15 facts could easily be mine. 🖤

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you my dear

      That’s why I said you and I are kindred spirits 🤗

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Kindred spirits indeed ❤❤


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