A Walk to Remember


Hers was a kind of love that would slowly find its place in his heart. Hers was a kind of love that turned high school bad boy into the most committed gentlest of lovers.

Jamie’s love would completely change Landon into a romantic, a sweetheart. Landon would fulfill Jamie’s bucket list with a heart purely motivated by love. To Jamie, Landon gave the stars✨.

Landon falls in Love with Jamie as she sings to Him during a school play

My heart is touched in a beautiful way when Landon caused Jamie to be in two places at the same time. Isn’t that Love’s creative mind? Pure magic✨. As in, how can someone be in two places at the same time? How? A dying Jamie got her miracle. She found love. She got married to a young man who loved her. Where would a young man in high school get the guts from to propose and get married to a young beautiful lady who was closer to her grave? Where? They say love can move mountains. Truthfully, it can. Love does the impossible.

Bad boy Landon, the one you’d think would amount to nothing, morphed into every girls dream. He loved our Jamie well. Our Jamie died a contented well loved young bride. Finally, Hero Landon got in close distance with his once impossible dream of becoming a doctor. It’s a bitter sweet ending, of love found and lost. Of lives transformed by love. Of miracles happening. It’s a movie I can watch any day. One that causes me to shade a tear or two. It’s indeed a Walk to Remember.

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