The Past Two Years: A testament of how I have changed

Two Years later, this is me🤗

Time has a way of changing us. Time has a way of engraving new lessons in our hearts. In the past two years, this is how I have changed;

  • I have learnt once more that nothing is beyond repair. Even when we feel we will never smile again, we will with the passing of time. I can boldly say that I am smiling again because God changed me from a shuttered person to a healed one. God has used Beauty and Nature to heal me.
  • In these past two years, most of the notions I had about church changed. My Bubble was Burst. I thought I would stay at Worship Harvest Mukono forever. Get married there, have children and still take them there. Serve and fellowship from there until when I was old and gray, but God had other plans. On 17th October 2021, I went with my current pastors to plant Worship Harvest Kisoga.
  • I fell in love with Meow, I found out that there’s enough room in my heart to accommodate cats. Cats are one of Life’s Simple Pleasures.
  • I have learnt not to throw in the towel when the going gets tough. I have learnt to stay the course even when I don’t see the clear picture. My old self would quickly move on from whatever works not. In the past I have quit on quite alot. I fail, pick myself up and try again. Truly, I have come a long way!
  • I joined Afrobroggers Blogging Community and was inspired to participate in my first storytelling festival this June. This sparked me to grow both as a blogger and as a writer and it led me to a another writing community this July where I am also growing. We are better together. As a matter of fact, this blog post is my day 22 entry in the 30+1DayBlogChallenge from our writing community. Find your passion, then join a community of like minded people. You will be amazed with the limitless possibilities and doors that will open up for you.

Two years later, these are are few changes that I have undergone. This is me, Winnie 101😉

Still Waxing Strong 😊

3 responses to “The Past Two Years: A testament of how I have changed”

  1. “Nothing is beyond repair” is a good way to live, for the renewed smiles I can only wish you more of those…Meow is lucky (again) on a roll.

    Good to have you in this blog verse and keep on keeping on

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Lord R…

      You see why we need blogging communities.

      A pat on a shoulder goes along way😊

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Ha ha indeed, you’re doing great just stay on course!!

        Liked by 1 person

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