She Fascinates Me

If not for the fact that I am 13 years older than her, Evelyn would be our big sister. She’s bossy in a big sister kind of way. She calls the house to order. She’s not afraid to speak her mind. Evelyn is a young lady of many talents. She’s smart, she’s organised, she’s photogenic, she’s a born chef, she’s a fashionista( even the simplest outfit looks great on her. This little girl has designed both my sister Marion and I, her wardrobe is the place we run to). Evelyn is generous. She will always have money on her, ever the big saver. Evelyn’s touch on the most basic meals turns them into the most delicious. Her heart is tender and compassionate and she’s moved to tears by alot of things. She rejoices with the merry and weeps with the mourning. And oh, she loves Jesus.

My Little Big Sis

If I could have a big sister, I would choose Evelyn for she would call me back to order. She would both love me and inspire me. This little girl always speakheads the visits to our niece and nephew. She says she doesn’t want to be that auntie that won’t be known but only spoken of. Evelyn is my little big sis and she inspires me quite alot. I like that she’s mature yet still innocent. She’s a born leader with solutions to give. Recently she taught me shopping hacks. She’s just a breath of fresh air.

Yet underneath all these layers is a child. Most times, the child in her comes to play. The entitled little girl. The cry-baby. The attention seeker and the one that loves to taste everything mummy eats. The child in her surfaces very often as she makes her phone calls to place orders for her cravings on a whim. She’s our littlest big sister.

I Could Almost Taste It, a tale of Evelyn’s cooking escapes.

The big sister I never had

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