A Dinner for Ten

This is harder than I thought. I have always bragged about my love for small banquets. Now that I have to plan a guest list for 10, I am undecided.

It seems like I have several 10 guests banquets that I want to organize so I am stuck. Is it a banquet for my rafikis? Comrades? My family? Clients? Those that inspire me? My best authors? My church folks? Is it a banquet for the writing community? Is it hoteliers? Church leaders? My neighbors?

I might just as well say this is my food for thought. I have been bragging of the tender spot small banquets have in my heart. The truth is I am well versed with throwing parties of three not ten.

A Dinner for Three: My Favorite Authors of Novels
Guest List
  • Francine Rivers
  • Danielle Steel
  • Winnie the Host

I would ask France Rivers whether her novels intrigue her like they do me. Does she know the whole story before a writing project or she follows her heart as she let’s the writings of her hands surprise her together with her readers? What’s it like for her to weave a story? Does she naturally see those characters as she flips through the pages of her Bible during her study? I would let her know how I enjoyed reading Redeeming Love.

I would inquire of Danielle Steel why her characters go through severe pain. Some lose several spouses. They have plenty of broken marriages and relationships but in the end they triumph of course. I would tell her how her books brought me to tears. How I cried with her heros and heroines. I would ask why she loves that plot twist alot. I would tell her I enjoyed reading Full Circle. I would tell her how her books carried me to far places in between the monotonous school days.

For all my other banquet categories, I would still put together dinners of threes. I like banquets of three; not too small, not too big. It’s easy to give each other audience. Like I said, banquets for 10 is my food for thought. I need to up my Banqueting CV from 3 guests to 10.

8 responses to “A Dinner for Ten”

  1. No room for Troy today…

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Troy just has to wait for my the banquet of my favorite Poets.
      Then my favorite bloggers…

      Let me wait for you guest list of 10. I know my name won’t be there…

      Liked by 1 person

      1. I almost inquired about Martin…😅
        Let’s wait and see, you could be the top invite

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Troy and Elizabeth, what’s your problem with Martin?

        Leave my character Alone. He is the protagonist in our story chain, until someone else changes the storyline…

        Liked by 2 people

      3. And my Martin🤗


      4. Lol… What have I done now? I left Martin eons ago 🤭

        Liked by 1 person

      5. But your Troy is still asking about Him😢


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