A Fall Back Place

How quickly do I forget! How easy it is to be persuaded by the fleeting pleasures of this life! One comprise leading to another and another until all shame and guilt is silenced. Until I find myself lost, incomplete, confused, dissatisfied, purposeless, guilty and ashamed.

To what end does Pleasure have to be my master? One whose every whim I serve? To what end does Pleasure have to be in control? Dectating what course of action I take? You would think history has taught me a lesson or two, yet blindly and foolishly I choose pleasure over sound Wisdom.

Oh, you flesh of mine, know that the pleasures that Mr. Pleasure gives are but for a short while. As quickly as lightening, they vanish into thin air; leaving behind a taste of bile. Eventually, my feet find their way back to the arms of my maker because only He can satisfy me. Only He can make me whole. Eventually, I find my way back to the one whose pleasures last forevermore for the pleasures of this world are fleeting.

You will show Me the path of life; In Your presence is fullness of joy; At Your right hand are pleasures forevermore
Psalm 16:11
Source: Pinterest

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