Farewell Sweetheart

It’s a paradox how something so sweet could cause me too much pain!

Piercing pain! Numbing pain! Call it the most agonizing pain; when you’ve felt too much pain than you can endure! When you’ve felt excruciating pain that it’s surprising you’re still breathing!

In the wee hours, surrounded by the softest whispers of breaths and the loudest silence. In the wee hours, with most of the world dead asleep, I’m alert to pain so throbbing! I am void of sleep, pacing up and down. In the wee hours, great pain brings me to my knees.

It’s a paradox how something so sweet could cause me too much pain! It’s a paradox how the sweetest of sweets have brought me to my knees! It’s a paradox that my only option is to bid my sweetheart farewell! So, my darling, sweetheart, farewell. Ours was the sweetest of love that ended in the greatest of pain. A bitter sweet love it was!

When you're given a box of candy, don't gulp it all down;eat too much chocolate and you will make yourself sick
Proverbs 25:16
Source: Pinterest

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