It’s a Wrap

Today we bid farewell to the month of our birth though I have a theory about October babies. I believe that October babies are new year resolutions. Oh yes, we are. To be born in October, one should have been conceived in January, that’s if the pregnancy was carried full term.

Let’s forget all the outliers of couples that try to conceive for a long time. Let’s forget all those outliers of premature births and indulge my fairy tale theory of us October babies being new year resolutions. We, October babies, are new year resolutions…

In the excitement of the freshness and newness that comes with the start of another year, our parents conceived us. They decided to have babies and immediately went to work. Within the first month of the year, they had something grand to prepare for for the next nine months, us…They had something to look forward to.

As we prepare for 2024, which is exactly two months away, I celebrate you’ll who like me have stepped into another birth year this month. We are kinda still in the freshness and newness of our new year, still making new year resolutions and all, working on ourselves. We are still celebrating.

My next theory is on November babies. I call them love babies. If you didn’t know, November babies were conceived in the month of love, February. Again, indulge me by forgetting all outlier pregnancies. November babies, a happy birth month to you’ll in advance and a blessed year ahead of you.

The television presenter who inspired this blog post yesterday said something that I 100% agree with, “Most of the people in the world were born in November.” If I’m to go with my acquaintances and friends, most of them were born in November. There’s no other month in which I celebrate a great number of people like I do in November. Who else agrees with that assertion?

November babies, love babies, enjoy your month because it’s a wrap for the New Year resolutions babies. Bye bye my darling October, Hello November…

Source: Pinterest

3 responses to “It’s a Wrap”

  1. 😂😂 the next time i bump into February babies I will give them that judgy look.May the new month be kind to you

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Hihihihihi, See your life Tee🙃

      Liked by 1 person

  2. May it be kind to you as well


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