Thinking Out Loud

Lately, I’ve been binging on Golden Music into the wee hours. Music that has stood the test of time. This music has seen decades and people come and go. It has outlived most of its composers.

All this got me thinking about those legendary artists who found their songs very early in their lives, sang and danced to those tunes into the evening hours of their stay this side of heaven.

Miriam Makeba danced to Pata Pata from the time she was a beautiful young lady to when she was gray. Performances of Pata Pata capture her life and spirit over the years. She found her song and danced to it. Pata Pata became synonymous with her. We cannot separate her from Pata Pata.

Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers found their song and remained true to it. They sang Islands in the Stream through their youthful years into their golden years. They danced to their song until it became our song.

I guess what am trying to say as I think out loud is, find your song then sing and dance to it until you’re no more. That when you’re long gone, everytime your song will be sang, you’ll be remembered. Find your song for it’s what you will live behind.

To be true and faithful to the songs that Abba has placed deep within our hearts is what we need in a world that’s constantly changing. There’s a stage big enough for everyone to sing and dance and make a name for themselves.

Whatever you do, find your song and keep singing until you cross over to the other side of eternity. Guess what? Time flies quickly, you don’t want to wake up only to realise that you’ve been jumping from one song to another.

Plant your song until it’s deeply rooted to bear fruit for you and everyone else. Then it will not only be your song but our song.

Source: Pinterest

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