Wrapping Up

My Year Planner

I don’t know about you, but my year ended in October (LOL). Since the day of my birth, the 10th day of October, I have been wrapping up my 2023. Looking back and being grateful. Looking ahead and seeking counsel, planning and keeping an open heart.

Two years ago, I stopped making new year resolutions. Yes I have things am working towards, but they are not set in stone. I leave room for God to surprise me, I lay it all bare before Him for His plans are better than mine. What He has in mind for me is mind blowing.

As I wrap up my year, with parties, hand overs and reflections, I will ask you the same question my year planner has tossed my way, “A book was made about your 2023. Write down it’s tittle.” Is that a question or statement? Either way, there’s need for an answer.

Mine would be, “Day Break.” It’s fresh. It’s full of promises. The sun gently warms may face promising me a beautiful day. It’s golden, it’s breathtaking. I stand still to take it all in. The book tittle of my 2023 would be “New Beginnings”, a promise of everything merry and bright after a long season of darkness and doubt, numbness and questioning. I look forward to a beautiful golden decade. How about you? What’s your 2023 book tittle?

Source: Pinterest

2 responses to “Wrapping Up”

  1. “Yes I have things am working towards, but they are not set in stone. I leave room for God to surprise me, I lay it all bare before Him for His plans are better than mine. What He has in mind for me is mind blowing.”

    Yeesss, because no eye has seen, no ear has heard, no mind imagined what the Lord has in store for those who love Him. And that includes my own mind, my own ear, my own eye. We end up limiting God yet He is a God of exceedingly. Indeed, we need to make our plans but leave room for God. After all, He is the author of the very lives we try so hard to plan out.

    And oh, my 2023 book would be titled “Manifestation” 😊.

    Sorry, been off these streets a long time, just catching up with the articles.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You are allowed to catch up


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