The Future of Chapter 30

I dare to dream that I will be running Chapter 30 Podcast for the next 10 years. For as long as I am on the third floor it will be Chapter 30. Chapter 30 Podcast, is a weekly audio podcast that airs every Friday. I started it on May 10, 2024.

I dare to dream that Chapter 30 is going to be a hangout place for people in their thirties. We will talk about everything that affects us as we learn to number our days so that we’re able to apply our hearts unto wisdom.

I dare to dream that Chapter 30 Podcast is going to host so many guests older than us who will impart wisdom into us. It will also host as many guests in the 30s as possible since they are my target group. We learn so much from stories and all our stories matter. Yours is that story someone is waiting to hear to dream again, so share it.

I’m the kind of person who enjoys working from a place of rest, so, every month of June, apart from this one, I will be taking my first break from the podcast. The second break will be from December to January because there’s too much activity in those months.

I dare to dream that when I turn 40, it will become Chapter 40 Podcast and in my 50s the name will automatically change to the 5th floor of life. I dare to dream of creating an ongoing platform to discuss issues that affect us in the different phases of our lives so that we’re able to live our lives to the fullest. So help me GOD.

As for my blogging site, my strategy is simple; I blog as and when I’m inspired and I plan to show up every June for our exciting storytelling festivals. I keep saying that after December, June is my next favorite month because of Afrobloggers. Afrobloggers, I love you.

3 responses to “The Future of Chapter 30”

  1. June is the new Christmas for Afrobloggers 😂

    Chapter 30 going on 40 love it


    Liked by 1 person

    1. 😂😂😂
      Merry Christmas Uncle B

      That’s the vision, to age together with the podcast


  2. All the best in this journey

    Liked by 1 person

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