Free To Be Me

I’m free to be myself in Afrobloggers. Free to talk about my God. Free to share my feelings and ideas. Free to learn from the creatives around me. No one is molding me into someone that I am not.

Afrobloggers has built a culture of respect for each other, unity and continuous growth. It’s a community where every voice matters. Afrobloggers has pushed me to write about topics I wouldn’t have on my own. But most of all, it has showed me that it’s a collective effort to feast. Alone I can blog, together we can have the most educative entertaining and collaborative storytelling festival.

As I put off my blogging shoes, I would like to thank Afrobloggers for making June my second favorite month of the year. Thank you for making me belong, for constantly affirming to me that words matter, that stories are powerful and that blogging is a worthwhile venture.

To the team behind this storytelling festival and social media engagements, flowers for you 🌺🌺🌺

To my fellow bloggers, you made me look forward to every weekday. Our beloved readers and hype team, you deserve these 🌺🌺🌺

Pen down, will be back to write whenever inspiration strikes. See you during the Afrobloggers’ Wednesday Poetry Evenings and on the Afrobloggers digital streets.

2 responses to “Free To Be Me”

  1. Same time next year ^_^


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